As self-declared inventor of the word «fake» (true story!), perhaps the current U.S. president should be wary of how he himself is seen, because while no supporter of the Mexican wall – or the Obamacare repeal and replacement, I cannot help wondering how the Donald’s two urgent-most measures seem less feasible than any other.

Photo: U.S. President Donald Trump. Detail from official White house portrait.

Elvis Presley: Viva Las Vegas

For the American dreamers

West Side Story (1961): America.

Cher & David Bowie: Young Americans.

OK, so I know I posted this back in February, but you know … All things considered.

And in case you wondered. Yes:

Gott mit uns
German military belt-buckle of WW2, with old Prussian GOTT MIT UNS slogan. Photographer: StromBer/Wikimedia Commons.

Top image: Blogger’s illustration.

Together – for a destabilised Middle East.

Illustration: Blogger’s montage.

Rise and fall

Buh-bye, #NATO?

German chancellor Angela Merkel’s statement today, that Europe can no longer «completely depend» on the US and UK following the election of President Trump and Brexit, reminds me of a blog post I published about a year ago; Trump, Putin at the helm – NATO in dissaray, voicing the eventuality of a European NATO exit, in order to build a European alliance, based on the remnants of WEU (Western European Union) and EUFOR, for instance.

Chancellor Merkel’s address in Munich today brings the issue to the table once more – an issue this blogger, for one, finds increasingly appealing.

Zagan Poland Nato USA soldiers military
U.S. Army NATO and Polish Soldiers provide reception and security for arriving U.S. helicopters and Soldiers at a Polish Army training area in Zagan, Poland, June 12, 2015. Photo from U.S. Army.

An imminent Norwegian EU membership is of course a given, unless we prefer to continue regarding ourselves more of an American protectorate than a European country, of course.

I sincerely hope not.

Photo: The European Union and the world. Photo from the European Commission.

Sorry about that. Just a spur of the moment thing.

Je suis Jarlie
C’est moi!

Caption should read «1692–1693», of course. Oh well, too late now, seeing as text an integrated part of image.

U.S. President Donald Trump. Official White house portrait.
U.S. President Donald Trump. Official White house portrait.

I’m confident that, like the rest of us, many an American is beginning to ask him or herself if maybe enough is actually enough.

If Watergate was unbearable, then surely they cannot tolerate this.

Photo: U.S. President Donald Trump. Detail from official White house portrait.